Welcome to Light Up Your Brain!

chuck-brown-faceHi! I’m Chuck Brown…and that’s my face over there to the right (well, it’s not exactly my face… but people think it looks a lot like me!). I’m your host for this site. Light Up Your Brain is about inspiration, creativity, and the fun of being a kid.

I’ve created and assembled some great resources to help kids have fun while learning and developing. Our main resource is children’s audio stories, which are intended for children in the preschool and early elementary age range, but older kids seems to really enjoy them as well! And, we also have a vast trove of quality coloring pages for free download across a wide variety of topics (some folks have also been known to use them as clip art!). Feel free to dive right in by clicking on one of the links above, or keep scrolling down to read our Blog Of Interesting Things! Comments or suggestions? Use the form on the Contact page to reach me. En-Joy! 😉

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Blog Of Interesting Things!

Coolest Dad Ever??

James Hashimoto is 3 years old, and he just might lay claim to having the most awesome Dad in the universe. His father, Daniel, is an animator with Dreamworks…and he loves to turn home videos of James into action movies. You wont’ believe how much fun these are!

En-Joy! 😉

Bubble Magic for Kids!

If you have kids or work with kids, you already know that Bubbles are like magic to children. We were blown away by this video explaining how to consistently make large, high-quality bubbles. It takes a little planning and technique, but we expect you’ll agree that the results are worth it.

En-Joy! 😉


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